The air fryer was bigger than I was expecting but very sturdy. I found it easier to use than I expected. The drawer size is perfect for two and so easy to give your contents a good shake duringcooking. Cleaning is a breeze and souch easier than the conventional oven. Glad that I made the purchase.
Sharon Walker
A must have!
Oh my! This is a great addition to any kitchen!
Due to ages and times people are home this is used throughout the day. I have hardly used my oven since had!
Cleaning? An absolute breeze!! My parents have an alternative make it there’s is a nightmare to clean.
If in two minds regarding buying, don’t be, you definitely won’t regret purchase!!
Ninja cooker
Seems very good and easy to use
Mr Britton
very good product extremely satisfied with the process of purchase and delivery from AO
I find that I am able to cook more quickly and therefore save on electricity that it would have cost using my oven. Cooking for one is ideal in my new Ninja.
Diana Aldred
It's brilliant... Totally life changing can't recommend enough
Tim knight
Give it a try
Its the 1st one we have ever owned and it is truly great , still getting use to it but so far we wondered why we didn`t have one sooner ,would thoroughly recommend it and if you are still thinking about it go ahead and buy it
Roger Buckley
Great product
Wonderful piece of kit, easy to use, great for cooking two different items both ready at the same time. healthy food , and easy to clean after use.