It gets hot and everything!
Now, I no Gordon Ramsay (i do like to throw the odd swear word at inanimate kitchen utensils though) but I have been known to rustle up the odd ju or foam (read: cheese toastie), our trusty oven gave its last, so, straight AO, ordered, paid for and bosh, it arrives by the power of possibly the biggest delivery driver I have met! (i am 6'4 and he made me look like a borrower)!
I duly yanked the old one out, fuzzed it in the car and off to the tip, job done, as for the new one. . . plugged it in, slid it into the hole (i have had more issues figuring out my Sky remote) and pow! hot stuff!
Oh, and the oven is pretty swish too, works well, cooks stuff including the best cheese toasties with a foam/ju :D