Nice features let down by the real usage time on a charge
I previously bought a Shark which hoovered well but was too heavy sadly. This one is a lot easier to handle. It goes under furniture ok. Probably would save money next time by not buying one that empties itself. Still have to empty the stuff into the dustbin anyway. So what do I love?
Lightweight and easy to handle. Love the way the head swivels to clean edges. Really love the colour coded how dirty is your floor feature.
Now for the BIG NEGATIVE. Ok I have a dog but I get no way near the amount of usage time that they claim in the advert. Sometimes I don’t even get all the downstairs hoovered before I have to put it on for another charge. I don’t live in a big house. This is VERY frustrating. Spoils what would be a five out of five product.
Melanie McBurney