Well designed, easy to fit and keeps it all fresh
Really easy to fit. It did take a while but it was straight forward.
The fridge itself is great. The number of shelves and the range of use on each is liberating after years of having a tiny fridge. There's a place for everything and plenty of options to move this go around once you get used to it. With the fruit and veg shelves, it seems to keep everything crisp and fresh way longer than you'd get in a bog standard fridge. It has the potential in that respect, to reduce food wastage as things will not go off as quickly as in a small fridge. It's also much, much easier to see what you've got in there as well, which is handy when looking at what you've got to cook with or before a shop. It's also handy for the kids to be able to see all the healthy options when they open it instead of them just reaching for yoghurt or bacon each time.
It hardly has any noise impact to speak of. To be honest, it's just nice to open a well designed fridge and not have loads of things fall out after a big shop. With two teenage boys in the house I really needed a larger fridge, and this fits the bill.
I doubt that I'll ever have to ram anything in ever again.