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    Customer Reviews - Rangemaster LEIHDC110SC Chimney Cooker Hood Stainless Steel

    Customer Reviews - Rangemaster LEIHDC110SC Chimney Cooker Hood Stainless Steel

    Rangemaster LEIHDC110SC Built In Chimney Cooker Hood - Stainless Steel
    £332.50 Ex VAT
    • Chimney Hood Type
    • 66 dB Maximum Noise Level
    • 69 dB Maximum Noise Level
    • 3 Speeds
    • Dimensions (cm) - H73.5 x W109.8 x D49
    4.6 / 5

    Rangemaster hood

    Only bought this model again as I needed to replace in a hurry and I tiled around the last one, it’s made a bit cheaper than Han the one from 5 years ago but it is quieter Next time it needs a lot replacing I shall explore the market further It’s good but not great.
    Dave cobham

    Don't Buy This Hood

    I bought this hood in June this year. It is cheaply made and the silver plates covering the filters drop down every time you touch the hood as there is not enough tolerance on them. Rangemaster customer services have refused to acknowledge the problem, despite my kitchen fitter having the same problem at a different property with the same product.
    Caro King

    Great and attractive

    So easy to install and use. It looks great also which is a great bonus!

    Good quality cooker hood

    Good quality cooker hood Easy to fit Looks very expensive Easy clean

    Looks good, suction could be better

    This hood looks brilliant when paired with a range cooker. It doesn't come out as far as the cooker so you're not going to hit your head on it. It's not too loud and the lights are nice and bright. I'm not yet convinced by it's extracting ability. When it's venting outside you can feel it blowing really strongly outside, but as the area the extractor covers is so big the suction isn't brilliant.

    Cross wires

    I received a lengthy call about the prep work I needed to do before the in stallers arrived. I removed the old hood and explained on the call the new one will fit, so the guys can put it straight in. Not once was it highlighted to me the hood would not be installed. I assumed it was part of the cooker/hood install. After I employed an electrician to install it correctly, I then found out the 4 slot in air covers barely fit. if I were to touch the outside of the unit, they would fall out. Rubbish flimsy quality.