Our old Panasonic microwave was still working after 20 years but the painted lining had deteriorated. This new combi microwave should last another 20+ years, mainly because of the stainless interior. 1000W microwave + combi + grill means we're using the oven less frequently which saves electricity and the more we use it the happier we are with the decision to buy it.
In the time it takes our large oven to heat up to the point where you can cook with it this convection oven
warmed up, reheated leftover pizza and we'd eaten. Huge time and energy saver.
Keep the manual to hand, it's a steep-ish learning curve but as you know, to begin with you'll probably use a few common settings so you will quickly get accustomed to the settings but you will want to be more adventurous and try the recipes in the booklet. Overall, recommended.