Fits just where it's supposed to!
We have been looking for a new oven for a while, because our old Hotpoint (1986) had a few quirks; like shorting the house out if we put the fan on! So when I finally blew the grill too, it was time to make a quick purchase and this looked good.
This was chosen for the metal guide rails for the shelves, as it was something we loved from the old one and the shelves are good and sturdy. I would have liked two wire shelves rather than a biscuit shelf, but can't rally complain.
The price was right, not too much and not too cheap.
It does lots of things I am never going to try out in the next 30 years - that is if it lasts as long as the previous one! But, so far we have grilled steak - slower than before but beautifully tender. We have baked a cake - cooked and tasty, and we have done a casserole - which was a little under done so will need to adjust timings or temperature somewhere along the line.
But the main thing is that it was so easy to slide out the old one and have the new one fit in exactly with not too much jiggery pokery! (I suppose this is not unique to this model, but still noteworthy).
And; it just looks good in the hole it was put, making me think I should have made the move a few years ago and saved my nerves.
One downside or two, there is no countdown timer to put on independently to the cooking time; so I can't time a pot of tea brewing while the oven is off. Also being modern, you need to set many options before it will start; rather than just on/off and temperature. But this is the way of the world.
Overall, I would recommend this model Hotpoint SI4854HIX.