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    Customer Reviews - Bosch SMS4EKI06G Full Size Dishwasher Silver Inox

    Customer Reviews - Bosch SMS4EKI06G Full Size Dishwasher Silver Inox

    Bosch Series 4 SMS4EKI06G Full Size Dishwasher - Silver Inox
    £457.50 Ex VAT
    • 13 Place Settings
    • B Energy Rating
    • 6 Programmes
    • 42 dB Noise Level
    • Dimensions (cm) - H84.5 x W60 x D60
    4.9 / 5

    Great quality

    Easy to use, quiet

    Great build quality

    Feels really well built and hopefully last as long as our old one!

    Amazing - Very happy!

    I choose this dishwasher because my previous dishwasher was Bosh and lasted 10 years. Nice looking. I like that I can move basket in any position -my old model wasn't like that . Very quiet. I love speed perfect program. But does not work with all programmes. When I put on speed perfect I can't choose extra dry .. Need to reset it in my app

    Best dishwasher. All essentials ticked

    Delivery was swift and the drivers very kind unexpectedly. Overall very good experience. About the product, it’s just been 2 weeks but dishwashing is been easy peasy since then. The size is huge and can fit a whole lot of dishes, pans, pots and what not. The space between both racks is big enough to put my largest pot as well. ATM I’m using the express cycle which is 1hr. I cannot find anything less then that?
    Ge Kaye

    Great Dishwasher

    Really lovely dishwasher. Not sure you need so many programs, seems to over complicate it. And Wifi....... would be ok it it actually unloaded the machine, I don't need my phone to switch it on, I'm stood next to it loading it,,,,,,,,,,, again seems to be an added gimmick to go wrong. Wanted the most energy efficient fir our budget. It is very quiet without having to use the slient setting, drys well and dishes are sparkling clean
    Diane M

    Great product. Highly recommended.

    Straight forward to use. Practical set up. Quiet. Looks good too.
    Mairi McHale

    Brilliant Bosch

    Bought this to replace our old Series 4 that had been a great workhorse over the years. This new one has been dead easy to set up and use. Love that I can control it with my phone for when I forget to set it off
    Paul M