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    Customer Reviews - Bosch SMV2HTX02G Full Size Dishwasher Black

    Customer Reviews - Bosch SMV2HTX02G Full Size Dishwasher Black

    Bosch Series 2 SMV2HTX02G Built In Full Size Dishwasher - Black
    £374.17 Ex VAT
    • 13 Place Settings
    • D Energy Rating
    • 5 Programmes
    • 46 dB Noise Level
    • Dimensions (cm) - H81.5 x W59.8 x D55
    4.8 / 5

    Dishwasher Bosch

    Well built and sturdy. Fitted nicely and easy to adjust
    Martin partington

    Great product

    Great product with easy to understand features.

    Replacement dishwasher

    Very quiet and efficient machine. Economy programme is cheap to run and the drying cycle is very good. So far very pleased with our purchase.

    Complex install but a good machine

    A very good machine to use but extremely tricky to install. The quality of the appliance is great. It washes and dries well. However, the over-complicated manufacturers installation instructions are so detailed it makes them almost impossible to follow. I’m a capable DIY’er and ultimately got the machine installed but it could have been a lot simpler with clearer instructions. Also, the WiFi module is embedded in the cold water inlet hose which meant cutting a larger hole in the back of the cupboard to fit the module through (old dishwasher was non-WiFi) as well as having to modify the paperwork to allow the WiFi module to sit without fouling other pipework. Seems over-engineered but it’s installed and works a treat. The WiFi bit is also good. It allows you to use Alexa to control the dishwasher which is cool but unnecessary. Would buy again.

    Good quality dishwasher

    Good dishwasher which replaced a much older Bosch model. Has a decent mix of programmes, much quieter than the model it replaced, we don't even notice that it is running. Red light that shines on the floor is a good visual indication that it is on. Dishes come out clean as you would expect, overall very impressed.
    Adrian Roe

    Great product

    The dishwasher looks smart and is working well so far!

    Great value new dishwasher

    Such an upgrade from my last dishwasher. Great selection of cycles. Super smooth trays and Greta knife holder tray. Fast cycle is excellent

    Better than the more expensive NEFF one I had previously

    Really good dishwasher. Nice and quiet too. I like the feature where it projects a red light on the floor so you know the cycle hasn’t finished yet.
    Michael Davies