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    Customer Reviews - Indesit UI8F2CWUK Upright Freezer White

    Customer Reviews - Indesit UI8F2CWUK Upright Freezer White

    Indesit UI8F2CWUK Upright Freezer - White
    £382.50 Ex VAT
    • Frost Free Freezer
    • 263 Litres Freezer Capacity (Net)
    • E Energy Rating
    • Reversible Door
    • Dimensions (cm) - H187.5 x W59.5 x D63
    4.8 / 5

    Large upright freezer

    Bigger than I expected and it took a while to swop the door over - I did it myself, not difficult just lengthy. Levelling up was easy - two front screw feet. Interior space amazing and easy to use. The bottom shelf is half depth because that’s where the fridge motor lives at the back, but it’s fine for lollies and choc-ices. The interior looks like it will be easy to keep clean and clear out the escaped frozen peas …

    Very poor build quality

    Poor’y built. Side panels aren’t aligned accurately meaning swapping the hinge around at the bottom was especially difficult as the side panel holes did not align, and blocked the screw holes in the frame. Even when resolved, door now isn’t square with the freezer body. Internally the compartment doors are thin and flimsy. No way will these last the test of time. But it keeps everything frozen so it does at least fit the brief.