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    Customer Reviews - Miele W1 WSB383 WCS 8kg Washing Machine

    Customer Reviews - Miele W1 WSB383 WCS 8kg Washing Machine

    Miele W1 WSB383 WCS 8Kg Washing Machine with 1400 rpm - White
    £790.83 Ex VAT
    • 8 Kg Wash Load
    • Quick Wash
    • Delay Timer
    • 48 Litres Water Consumption
    • Dimensions (cm) - H85 x W59.6 x D63.6
    5 / 5

    Quiet machine, solid build and very efficient

    We’ve run this machine a couple of times now, clothes come out almost dry from the efficient spin cycle and it is the quietest machine I’ve ever owned. Even in a spin cycle you hardly know it’s on. So far so good.
    Laura Olczak

    The Quiet One

    I bought this machine for my in-laws as their old one had died a death. The first thing my mother-in-law commented on was how quiet it was! I’ve also got a Miele and bought it after our previous one died, it was over 20 years old. Definitely worth the investment.
    Paula Sey
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