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    Electric cooker installation

    Find out everything you need to know about our electric cooker installation service.

    Our fully trained team are ready to get your new electric cooker set up on your delivery day. We’ll even disconnect your old cooker for you. We’re approved by the NICEIC (that’s the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) who’re one of the UK’s best electrical assessors, so you know we set high standards. Find out what’s included in this service and what you can do to prepare for us.

    What we'll do

    We’ll get your cooker up and running in no time. Here’s everything we’ll take care of.

    • When we get there, we’ll disconnect your old cooker and unpack your new one. No problem.
    • Don’t worry about cables. We’ll bring everything we need to get your new cooker installed.
    • We’ll attach a safety chain (the thing that keeps the cooker stable) and then make sure the cooker’s level.
    • We’ll take at least 8 pictures during installation, just so we’ve got a record of the service.
    • Our electric cooker installation is available at commercial properties, but only if the voltage is the same as domestic properties (220-240v). These will not be covered under the manufacturer warranty.
    • Picked our Remove & Recycle service? We’ll take away your old cooker when we leave.

    What you need to do

    There’re a few things we need you to do and check before we arrive.

    The space around your hob is called the Hot Zone and you need to make sure it has no switches or a cooker hood above it. There also needs to be a gap of at least 65cm between your hob and the cooker hood or ceiling above. If it isn’t clear of hazards, we may not be able to install your cooker. Make sure you follow pre-installation instructions for your cooker from the product manufacturer’s website.

    Make sure your current electrical connection (plug socket or big red switch) matches what your new cooker needs. If your new cooker is over 3kw, then you’ll need a 16Amp or 32Amp fuse - a big red switch. If your new cooker is below 3kw, then you’ll only need a standard 13Amp fuse – a regular plug socket.

    Compare what you have with the details of your new cooker on the Installation tab on our product pages to make sure you’re all set.

    You’ll need to let us know if you’re switching from a gas cooker to a new electric cooker in the basket if you're ordering online. If you're ordering over the phone, please let the team know. If you are, then we’ll send one of our qualified Gas Safe engineers to take care of installation.

    While you’re on the Product Detail section on our product pages, it’s worth checking the dimensions of your new cooker, just to make sure you’ve got enough space in your kitchen.

    If you use a pre-paid meter, please make sure it's topped up. If we aren't able to test the connection, we won't be able to install your electric cooker.

    What we don't cover

    Here’s everything our installation service doesn’t cover.

    • We can make small adjustments like changing cables so we can fit your cooker, but we won’t remove anything that’s within the Hot Zone or change any other part of your home.
    • Installation for cooking products is only available on certain days in certain postcodes. If you're ordering online, find out what dates are available for you at the checkout. If you'd prefer to order over the phone, please get in touch with the AO Business team and we can discuss this with you.


    How much does installation cost?
    I’m ordering two products - do I have to pay twice for installation?
    Can I add installation after ordering?
    How soon can I have my cooker installed?
    Do you install at weekends/bank holidays?